Monday, 12 December 2016

Brief 3 - Digital Visualisation

Brief 3. SIP Tea Shop

Expanding on a project from last year;
To digitally visualise the space using blender and demonstrate application of brand and identity.

Brand is SIP, produces tea.
This was instead of the Lavish organic boutique restaurant brief from the list we could choose from. That one wasn't chosen because it was too familiar with what I had done before with identity.

Adding an subdivision modifier to make the object smoother.
Spout needed improving, too thin. Spout was described as an elephants trunk.
Subdivision modifier had some errors with the vertices. wasn't until second teapot attempt was made that this error was fixed by going:
edit mode < w < remove doubles.

Spout here could do with with being thicker, however, I the larger model it might not matter much as in comparison with the rest of the detail that will be included it is quite a minor detail and may not even be noticed. Attempts to make it thicker have resulted in  a less smooth look to the spout once the subdivision modifier has been added.

Solidifier modifier might work to give the whole teapot a thickness expected from a ceramic teapot. This modifier wasn't considered until after the third attempt at the model.

T2 - Primary Research

The initial shape of the shop for SIP has been majorly influenced with the T2 bazaar in Tottenham.

Image above shows the two initial shop shape models (1st attempt left, 2nd attempt right). To get the curve to try and make the window and door like at T2 was difficult at first. Being unfamiliar with the tools to create a curve research was required to try and find a guide on how to generate a curved corner from a quadrilateral.

Above are two screenshots of the method used to create the curves as seen above on the initial shop shape. the second method worked out better than the first as it was smoother and created the desired shape fairly easily (see above- right initial shape) The first guide that used loop cuts was too jagged and was not curved enough for the window section (see above - left initial shape model)

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