Monday, 12 December 2016

Bookcover 2

Second Book Cover

Using the photographs from the crown photoshoot I attempted another book cover.

Figure 1
Figure 2
Tried out different fonts, a few (most of the ones above in fig. 1) were from a freefont website to experiment with more decorative and less common fonts. Unfortunately many of the fonts that I found the most appealing weren't giving the correct 'feel' of the time period or style of the book though. It would have been at this point where if this was commissioned or led by an employer that their input for the typeface would have been most useful as trying to pick and choose the typeface wasted a fair amount of time, slowing down the whole process of it all.

Figure 3

More examples of different fonts tried out.
Reflection of the crown was altered so less was visible because if it had been on broken glass like the overlay used, the image of it would have been broken up and more abstract in appearance, which before was not the case. 

Figure 4

Figure 5

A couple screenshots above showing a few more final alterations made to try and keep the whole aesthetic together.

Final goal once the cover was completed was to design a GIF 

What I'd do next.

Mostly focus on the GIF. Slow down the text, have the sparkles glisten more, maybe make a few smaller. Change the text used that moves, maybe just have the word chilling fade in and out. Ideally with an interesting font. The current GIF is like a salesman shouting at you and is just too quick.

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